1. Kls Help Desk
  2. Mastering Debt Eligibility

How to manage a program with Debt Eligibility?

Find out in this guide how to manage a distributed program with Kls' Debt Eligibility application.


This guide is intended for Kls Desk users with a program manager role. It follows on from the first guide: Creating a program on Debt Eligibility.

Once your program has been created, the administrator can launch distribution to selected distributor users. To do this, simply click on “Publish program”. This will make the envelope visible to your distributors, who will then be able to make their first reservations.

No notification is sent to distributors upon publication. You'll have to communicate the availability of a new program yourself.

This guide is designed to support you throughout the program management phase.

1. Consumption monitoring

As soon as the first reservation arrive, you can monitor the consumption of the budget allocated to your program using the dashboard.

You'll see in real time : 

  • The amount available, which corresponds to the amount remaining in your envelope (after subtracting reservations and contracted credits).
  • The amount of reservations, which corresponds to current reservation requests that have not yet been contractualized.
  • The amount of contracted loans, which is the sum of all credits contracted with this envelope.

This view, which is also visible to distributors, gives you greater control over the distribution of your program, and enables you to take action as the end of available reserves approaches.

[DE] Page daccueil programme en gestion (EN)

On the same page, you can also view the latest reservations that have been made.

Each reservation has its own space and allows the program manager to :

  • Check the information entered for a reservation request
  • Consult the reservation dataroom to retrieve supporting documents
  • Communicate with the distributor using comment(s)
  • Act on reservation status:
    • The program manager can : 
        • Refuse the request, resulting in automatic archiving of the reservation request
        • Put the request on hold, in three cases:
          • Waiting for feedback from the institution, if clarification is required.
          • A request for additional information, if the reservation lacks supporting documents to prove the information entered.
          • Send as draft, which will give the distributor the opportunity to update the information on the reservation request.
        • Validate the request, enabling the distributor to move on to the next stage: contractualization.

[DE] Vue Gestionnaire - gestion dune réservation (EN)

Once the reservation has been accepted, it's up to the distributor to convert the request into a contracted loan. He can enter the contractualization information directly in the dedicated space of his reservation, under “Loan life”.

If you have activated the “Loan life settings” option on your program, you will be able to centralize all financing life events directly on your Kls space.

Once an application has been contracted and validated (see reporting section), the distributor will be able to enter all the key events relating to the loan (default, guarantee call, etc.).

You will find all the information you need in this guide to credit event management.***

View of all reservations

To give Program managers a clearer overview of all reservations made on the programs they manage, the Debt Eligibility application provides a “Reservation Tracking” page where you can view all reservations for all programs.

You can use filters to target just one program at a time, or sort reservations by status to target a particular type of action.

Capture d’écran 2025-02-10 à 16.30.11

2. Program modification

A program can be modified, even if it has already been published.

Whether you need to adjust eligibility criteria, add distributors, or authorize the entry of post-contract credit events, you can modify an existing program, even if it is already being distributed.

To do so, simply pause the program. This will unlock the “Manage program” button, giving you access to the parameter-setting area.

pause programm

For more information on the setting options available to you, please consult our dedicated article by following this link.

Once you've made your changes, remember to put the program back into distribution, using the same button as for pausing.

Otherwise, your distributors won't be able to make new reservation requests.

3. Reporting

The Debt Eligibility reporting tool enables program managers to:

  • import data not collected via the Kls Desk (e.g. CRD, etc.) into the reporting system
  • create simplified regulatory reports with all reservation information
  • update reservation information (final guarantee validation, key dates, etc.).

To find out more, see our article on Debt Eligibility reporting.