In this article, you'll find all our advice on how to easily create your financing operations in the Kls Desk.
IntroductionDebt Tracking enables you to track all the financing operations in your portfolio. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the data entry and publication process for these different use cases. Use the same tool to manage all types of operation:
Definition: We use the term “operation manager” to define any user who manages the file. I.e. the Credit Officer, the Bulk Agent, the Lead Manager, the lender piloting its participation monitoring, etc.
Steps, from operation creation to publication |
1. Create an operation
a. Access Debt Tracking
To initiate a new operation in Debt Tracking, start by connecting to the platform via this link:
💡 We advise you to save the URL to your favorites.
Once connected, you'll be on the Desk Kls home page.
Click on “Debt Tracking” and then on “My operations > Operations follow-up” in your left-hand side navigation bar.
This tracking table lists all the operations you have created or to which you have access as an agent:
- Operations in “Operations to prepare” status: you'll find all unpublished operations created in this tab. These operations are visible only to you, the operation manager team and your team manager. Until the operation is published, no lender or borrower contact has access to it. In addition, certain functionalities are not yet activated and will be activated automatically when the operation or covenants are published: this is the case for the covenant control tab, the overview page and automatic notifications.
- Operations in “Operations in progress” status: this tab contains all operations created and published. When your operation is published, your lender and borrower contacts receive an automatic account initialization e-mail. If they already have a Kls account, they receive an invitation e-mail containing a link to your operation. In addition, the functionalities mentioned above are automatically activated.
See how to publish an operation - Operations in “Closed operations” status: this tab contains all closed operations. As a reminder, information is kept for 5 years after the date on which the operation is closed - in accordance with the law, these operations are destroyed after this date.
The actions of publishing and closing an operation are left to the operation manager. There is no automation linked to closing dates or contract end dates entered
Don't have access to Kls? Contact your team operation manager so that he/she can authorize you.
b. Creating the operation base
Click on “create a new operation” to create a new folder:
You can choose between two courses:
- Corporate financing operation
- Commercial real estate operation
You will then be asked to fill in the information required to create the basis of the operation, marked with a *.
Once you have filled in the information, click on “Create operation”. You are now on your operation, with 5 tabs:
- Operation details: here you can enter your financing tranches, your stakeholders and the contacts who will have access to the operation.
- The dataroom: enter, collect and organize all documents relating to the operation.
- Covenant control: use this dashboard to monitor all covenants currently being controlled, those to come and those that have been archived.
- Covenant list: dematerialize contractual covenants and set monitoring dates, values to be checked and any associated margin impacts.
- Activity feed: consult the trace of all events impacting the operation (more information here)
This interface is mirrored with the stakeholders entered, i.e. your borrowers and/or lenders have the same operation structure as you.
Your operation will be visible in the operation tracker, in the “Operation to prepare” tab.
💡The operation name is information visible in the title of certain automatic notifications, and enables your stakeholders to easily identify the operation in question. The format often used is as follows: Borrower/issuer name - Contract date.
The “create a new operation” button is not available? You probably don't have creation rights. Contact your team manager so that he/she can authorize you.
c. Complete the operation summary
Completing the operation summary allows you to give context to your stakeholders.
These elements are optional; only the information required to create the operation is mandatory.
In the operation details tab, click on “edit” to access the fields to be filled in:
Please note: all information entered will be visible to stakeholders, with the exception of the name of the risk group and the internal rating if you enter these fields. These two elements are visible only to the operation management team.
d. Fill in your entity's administrative form
Fill in your administrative operation to communicate information to your stakeholders by clicking on “Administrative form and access” :
The page is divided into 2 tabs:
- Agent administrative form:
- Identification of the establishment: this information is pre-filled; it was provided during your onboarding to save you typing time.
- Bank details for payment management: enter as many technical accounts as you wish and tick the lenders and/or borrowers to whom you wish to share them. Only the contacts of the selected entities will see the account in question.
- File Agent access management: add here all the contacts in your entity who will manage the operation. They have the same view and can perform the same actions on the folder as you. Once added to the folder, they have direct access to it, even if it has not been published. At any time, you can :
- Revoke access
- Resend an invitation e-mail to a contact
Please note: be sure to add your entity's contacts in the right place:
- Contacts in action on the operationwith the role of manager (Agents, leader etc.) are to be added in the Agent administrative form.
- Contacts receiving information (front, back-office, etc.) are added by clicking on your entity in the pool. They will have the same view as the other lenders in the operation. See how to add lender contacts.
e. Add your client/issuer
Add one or more borrowers/issuers to each of your operations:
You will then be able to attach the entity to a tranche and add contacts to it (see continuation of article below).
f. Enter financing tranches
Add one or more financing tranches:
This information enables you to indicate to your stakeholders the structure of the operation selected for contractualization.
Certain information is required to validate the tranche: tranche name, amount and client.
Please note: enter the maturity and/or due date of the tranche.
Others information are optional.
If the structure of the operation evolves, you can add one or more tranches once your operation has been published. You can then specify the amount of lender participation for each tranche (see following article).
f. Add your lenders
Please note: this section mainly concerns the use case of complex/syndicated credits. If you are reading this article as part of a participation follow-up, we still advise you to indicate the lenders involved in the operation and their quotas, in order to monitor your entity's overall exposure to your portfolio.
Click on “Add a primary lender” to add a new lender:
You can then :
- Select the desired lender from the directory if it is a local bank, or add a lender not listed in the directory if it is an investment fund or vehicle (please check the directory first to see if the entity you are looking for is listed there).
- Indicate the roles and responsibilities of the lender (arranger, ESG Agent, etc.). This information will be visible to your stakeholders :
- Indicate associated fees. This information is confidential and will only be visible to the operation management team.
- Allocations to each tranche. The lender's share will be visible to all participants.
Does your operation include an opaque sub-pool/sub-lenders not mentioned in the contract?
A sub-pool feature is available. To add a sub-lender, click on “add a sub-lender”:
You can share documentation and covenant controls, just as you do with your main lenders:
- A specific directory in the dataroom is dedicated to the sub-pool.
- Covenant checks will be shared with sub-lender contacts at the same time as with senior lenders.
- You'll be able to send customized sub-pool-specific emails.
Sub-pool lenders :
- do not know each other ;
- are not known to the main pool ;
- and unknown to the client.
g. Invite your stakeholders to access the operation
Please note: this section mainly concerns syndicated/complex and bilateral credit use cases. If you are reading this article as part of a participation follow-up, we advise you not to add contacts external to your entity.
Adding borrower/issuer or lender contacts works in the same way.
Click on the desired entity, either in the client section of the risk group or in the pool section:
You will have access to a page divided into two tabs:
- Your stakeholder's administrative form. This will be filled in by the entity itself when it first connects to the operation (it will have the option of skipping this step to access the operation directly).
- File access management. Here, add users and revoke access as required: when the folder is published, the contacts indicated will receive an automatic e-mail from Kls containing a link to the folder.
💡 A lender or borrower contact who has access to the folder can in turn invite someone from their organization. This addition will be traced: the view is mirrored between you and your stakeholder.
💡 Track the status of your contact's account with the “account initialized” and “account not initialized” lozenges. As the links contained in the initialization e-mails expire after 30 days, you have the power to resend an e-mail to your contact if his account has not been initialized in time: to do this, on the contact's line, click on the three dots, then on “resend an invitation e-mail”.
Remember: until the operation is published, no stakeholder has access to it.
Our final tips before publication:
All elements of the operation details can be modified once the operation has been published, with the exception of two elements:
- A client entity cannot be deleted once the operation has been published.
- A client's registration number cannot be modified.
Remember to check these elements before publication.
💡 Summary of elements to be entered before publishing a operation:
- Mandatory for all operations (without these elements you won't be able to publish the operation):
- At least 1 borrower/issuer
- At least 1 tranche
- Recommended for each case of use:
- Syndicated operation: operation summary, administrative form, pool, lender and borrower contacts.
- Bilateral operation: operation summary, administrative form, borrower contacts.
- Participation monitoring: the pool. No lender or borrower contacts are required for this use case, as in participation monitoring, you have no interaction with other stakeholders.
2. Publish an operation
o give access to your stakeholders, you need to publish your operation. This is also the first step before publishing the covenants: this second action is not possible if the operation is not published (see our article on the contractual framework).
To publish your operation, click on the “Publish the operation” button:
You'll get a double check to confirm your action.
Invitation e-mails will automatically be sent to the contacts you have entered, giving them access to your operation and the information you have entered.
Once published, your operation will be visible in the “Operation in progress” section of your Operations follow-up page.
Before publishing your operation, you can consult our latest pre-publication tips.
💡 We advise you to inform your stakeholders that as part of the operation follow-up, you will make information, changes and documentation available to them via the Kls Desk tool. See email example.