In this article, you'll find our step-by-step guide to using the Desk Kls.
IntroductionKls is a software publisher offering a suite of tools for banks, debt funds and their ecosystems. Debt Tracking is a collaborative application dedicated to tracking the events and covenants of tracked credits. At the invitation of the operation manager* in charge of monitoring your operation, you are given access to a space in the Desk. In this article, we'll explain step-by-step how to use the Debt Tracking application, from initializing your account to managing contractual covenants. *Operation manager: Credit Officer/Mass Agent/Lead Arranger/Lender in charge of monitoring the operation. |
1. Initialize your account
When the administrator invites you to access the operation, you will automatically receive an e-mail notification :
- Initialization, if you don't yet have an account
- Invitation if you already have an account
Already have an account? See section 2 : accessing the platform.
If not, see the rest of this article.
Email notification is sent via Here is an example of an initialization email:
Click on “Create my Kls account” and enter your surname, first name, job title, password and telephone number.
Email address cannot be changed: If you wish to use a different email address to access the platform (e.g. in the event of a change or error), you will need to add your new email address as a new contact and delete the old one. For more details, see the section on access management.
Tips for finalizing your account initialization :
- Check that your password contains at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and 12 characters.
- Check that your area code and phone number are in the correct format.
- Remember to accept the terms and conditions.
Once your account has been initialized, you can access your transaction. The “consult operation” button takes you to the Desk Kls home page.
You will have a unique account that will allow you to access all the operations to which you are invited.
Can't find your initialization notification? You can :
- Search your inbox and deleted emails for “Kls”; “initialization”.
- Check your spam folder.
- Contact the operation manager so that he can send you a new notification.
2. Access the platform
Access to the platform is via the login portal :
The page can be accessed via this link:
The page can be accessed via this link:
If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot your password? You will automatically receive an email allowing you to choose a new one.
3. Detail of each tab
a. Operation details and contact management
This tab contains general information on the operation entered by the operation manager: operation summary, funding tranches and pool.
Click on the entity managing the operation to consult its administrative form:
The management contacts in charge of the operation are listed.
How do I add or revoke access to an operation?
Access to your entity's form is managed by both the operation manager and the lender: once the operation has been published by the operation manager, your entity's contacts receive an invitation by e-mail.
These contacts can then add and revoke access as required.
To modify contacts, go to the desired folder in the operation details tab, then click on “administrative form and access”:
Then click on “Operation access management”:
- To add a contact: click on “Add a user”, enter the user's e-mail address and job title, then click on “Invite the user”. The user will automatically receive a notification to access the operation.
- To revoke access, click on the three dots at the end of the line concerned, then on “revoke folder access”. This user will be visible in the “users who no longer have access to the operation” tab. The actions performed by this contact will remain. For example, the documentation he has uploaded to the dataroom and the covenants he has responded to will remain traceable.
Added users all have the same rights to the folder.
The words “account activated” indicate that the user has created an account. You can send an e-mail notification to a non-activated user by clicking on the three dots.
When modifications are made to a folder access, you and the operation manager can see the changes automatically: your interfaces are mirrored.
💡 If you need access, contact either one of your colleagues who has access, or the operation manager.
💡If you change jobs or leave the company, remember to add your successor. He or she will be able to revoke your access when the time comes.
As the publisher of the Kls Desk, we do not interfere with operation access management.
b. Dataroom
The dataroom allows users with access to the folder to download documentation uploaded by the operation manager.
You benefit from two sub-directories:
- The confidential directory is a directory available to your entity, where you can store documentation without sharing it with the operation manager. Only your entity's contacts added to the folder will have access to it.
- The Agent / Pool shared directory is a directory shared between the operation manager and your entity. When the operation manager adds documentation, you are informed:
A summary notification listing the documents added to the dataroom is sent automatically to the contacts in the folder, on a daily recurring basis. See the section on automatic notifications..
Here's an example email:
💡 The files mentioned are clickable: by clicking on a link, you will be directed to the specific dataroom location where the file is located.
If no changes have been made, no notification is sent.
c. Covenant control
When the operation is created, the operation manager dematerializes the contractual covenants in the covenant list tab. See the section on covenant list.
The covenant control tab is automatically populated when the operation manager has shared a result (validation or declared breakage).
You will automatically receive an email notification informing you that a new result is available:
Click on “Consult the list of convenants” to view the covenant check(s) made by the operation manager.
You will be able to download the associated documentation.
d. Covenant list
The covenant list tab displays the contract covenants entered by the operation manager.
The settings shown automatically create the controls available in the covenant control tab.
4. Automatic notifications
You will automatically receive email notifications to keep you informed of events linked to the operation. All your entity's contacts present on the operation will be alerted automatically:
- When a control is shared (validation or breakage found)
- When documents are added to the dataroom
💡 To activate/deactivate certain types of notifications, go to “set notifications” at the top right of your screen. You can change your settings at any time.